Top Things You Should Know About Buying Parts For Your Wafer Stepper

30 November 2021
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog

If your business uses a wafer stepper, then you might need to acquire a few parts for it at some point. Although you might have experience with using a stepper due to using it on a daily basis in your business, you might know little to nothing about buying and installing the parts for it. These are some of the top things that you should know about buying parts for your wafer stepper.

Buying Refurbished Parts is Probably the Best Idea

Since you rely on your wafer stepper for getting things done in your business, you will want to make sure that you purchase reliable, properly functioning parts. Because of this, you might be nervous about buying brand-new parts. At the same time, though, you might be worried about how much brand new parts are going to cost. A good, happy medium is to purchase refurbished parts. Properly refurbished parts -- such as parts that have been refurbished by the manufacturer or by a company that is certified by the manufacturer -- is a good way to purchase parts that should have a warranty and that should be much like brand new parts. However, you can save more money by purchasing refurbished parts, too.

Make Sure They're for the Right Model

There are a few popular brands that make wafer steppers, and you'll need to be sure that the parts that you are buying are compatible with the steppers your brand has. Additionally, you should check the model number of your unit to purchase compatible parts. You should be able to find the model number printed somewhere on the unit, or you can look back at the manual and other paperwork that came with your wafer stepper to find the brand and model number.

Your Parts Supplier Might Install Them

You might be worried about the fact that wafer steppers aren't commonly used in all industries, so you might be thinking that it will be hard for you to find someone who will know how to install the new parts and who will get the job done for you. This is a legitimate concern, but your parts supplier might offer field service, which simply means that they might send someone out to your location to install the new or refurbished parts on your stepper. If they do not offer this service themselves, they might be able to connect you with a certified repair professional who can install them for you.

For more information, contact a local refurbished parts seller, such as Lithography Solutions, LLC.
